" Vim syntax file " Language: Limbo " Maintainer: Mechiel Lukkien " Updated: 2010-11-13 syn keyword lStatement alt break continue exit return spawn implement import load raise raises syn keyword lInclude include syn keyword lType array big byte chan con int list real string fn syn keyword lStructure adt pick module syn keyword lRepeat for while do syn keyword lConditional if else case or to syn match lConditional "=>" syn keyword lStorageClass ref self cyclic type of syn keyword lOperator tl hd len tagof syn keyword lBuiltin nil syn match lComment "#.*$" syn match lSpecialError display contained "\(\\[^'\"\\tnrbav0u]\+\|\\u[^'"]*\)" syn match lSpecial display contained "\\\(u\x\{4}\|[\'\"\\tnrbav0]\)" syn region lString matchgroup=Normal start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\\"+ contains=lSpecial,lSpecialError syn match lCharError "'\(...*\|\)'" syn match lCharacter "'\(\\'\|[^\\]\|\\[^']*\)'" contains=lSpecial,lSpecialError,lSpecialCharError hi def link lConditional Conditional hi def link lRepeat Repeat hi def link lCharacter Character hi def link lOperator Operator hi def link lStructure Structure hi def link lInclude Include hi def link lStatement Statement hi def link lSpecial SpecialChar hi def link lSpecialError Error hi def link lCharError Error hi def link lString String hi def link lComment Comment "hi def link lStorageClass StorageClass "hi def link lType Type " <- -> . = := :: "hi def link lError Error "hi def link lPreCondit PreCondit "hi def link lConstant Constant "hi def link lSpecial SpecialChar "hi def link lTodo Todo let b:current_syntax = "limbo"